ნუცა ბუზალაძის წარმატებული გამოსვლა კონკურსზე იურმალაში - ის ლიდერია

ივლისი 24, 2014
2 914

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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New Wave 2014 - Nuca Buzaladze / Новая Волна 2014 - нуца бузаладзе

Georgian singer nuca buzaladze new wave 2014 GEORGIA

New Wave (Russian: Новая волна, Novaya volna, Latvian: Jaunais Vilnis) is an international contest for new stars, which usually lasts for six days: 3 contest days, 2 special event days and, at the end, the day where the contest's results are announced followed by an ending concert.

New Wave is a contest for young performers of popular music which was founded by a Russia

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