ლომმა მონადირეზე მოკლული მეგობრისთვის შური იძია?

ივნისი 9, 2016
76 835

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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  • Embed ძველი ვერსია
2 - მომწონს
11 - არ მომწონს


I managed to get my hands on this video when I was in South Africa a couple of months ago, a hunter showed me and thought it was hilarious. For me this video highlights a distressing situation that the world needs to see.

Every year trophy hunters kill thousands of exotic wild animals in Africa, this combined with poaching poses a serious threat to the survival of our most loved and endangered species. We have to stop this now. Animals are also bred in captivity for the s

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