"I Am Here to Help You": A Rescue From a Crevasse | The Horn

ოქტომბერი 13, 2016

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►Watch the trailer for the series here: http://win.gs/TheHorn
In the first episode's cold open, the Air Zermatt team rescues a severely injured man from deep within an icy crevasse. The intensity is real and the tension is palpable in this risky rescue mission.

The Horn, a new series from Red Bull TV, follows Air Zermatt, the world’s best aerial search and rescue team, made up of people dedicated to saving the lives of those who take on the Matterhorn. Follow them as they brave the perils of the Swiss mountain, bringing aid to those who need it most.

Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.

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