The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:
0 - მომწონს
0 - არ მომწონს
ავღანეთს სჭირდება ჩვენი მხარდაჭერა და დახმარება იმ რეფორმების განხორციელებაში, რომლებიც ჩვენთან უკვე წარმატებით ჩატარდა, - განაცხადა საქართველოს პირველმა ვიცე-პრემიერმა, ფინანსთა მინისტრმა დიმიტრი ქუმსიშვილმა ავღანეთის ფინანსთა მინისტრ იქლილ ჰაკიმისთან შეხვედრის შემდეგ.
ავღანეთის ფინანსთა მინისტრი საქართველოში ორდღიანი ვიზიტით იმყოფება, რომლის ფარგლებში შეხვედრებს გამართავს საქართველოს მთავრობისა და ბიზნეს წრეების წარმომადგენლებთან, აგრეთვე ბათუმისა და ფოთის ნავსადგურებს ეწვევა და იქ არსებულ საგადასახადო-საბაჟო ინფრასტრუქტურას დაათვალიერებს.
„ის მნიშვნელოვანი გამოცდილება, რომელიც საქართველოს გააჩნია, მათ შორის, საგადასახადო და საბაჟო ადმინისტრირებისა და ბიუჯეტირების მიმართულებით, არის მნიშვნელოვანი, რომლის გაზიარებაზეც ჩვენ ავღანეთის მხარესთან ჩვენ შევთანხმდით,“ - განაცხადა საქართველოს პირველმა ვიცე-პრემიერმა, დიმიტრი ქუმსიშვილმა, რომელმაც ავღანეთის ფინანსთა მინისტრის ვიზიტს საქართველოში ორივე ქვეყნისთვის მნიშვნელოვანი უწოდა.
დიმიტრი ქუმსიშვილის განცხადებით, ასევე ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანი იქნება ქართველი მეწარმეებისათვის ავღანეთის ბაზრის გახსნა და იმ ძირითადი პროდუქტების შეტანა, რომლებიც საქართველოს გააჩნია. ასეთ პროდუქტებს შორის, პირველმა ვიცე-პრემიერმა დაასახელა წყალი, მინერალური წყალი, ცოცხალი საქონელი და სხვა მიმართულებები, რომლითაც შესაძლებელია საქართველოდან ექსპორტის გაზრდა.