100 Seconds of Ultimate Flow | RAW 100 w/ Brendan Howey

სექტემბერი 15, 2017

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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►Click here for more raw: http://win.gs/Raw100
No effects, no slo-mo. Just 100 seconds of raw action from the Canadian freerider Brendan Howey. Rupert Walker is back with another mind-blowing RAW 100 edit. Just riding captured at its most natural.
Twenty five year-old Brendan Howey is a Canadian freerider who rides for Andorran firm, Commencal Bikes. Right from its opening, the Sunshine Coast native has been one of the driving trail-building forces behind the Coast Gravity Park in British Columbia.

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