Flash back to the 1980s with Red Bull Straight Rhythm

სექტემბერი 25, 2017

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►Watch Red Bull Straight Rhythm on October 21 on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/RedBullStraightRhythm2017
Buy Tickets for Red Bull Straight Rhythm: https://www.redbull.com/straightrhythm

Take a trip down memory lane (depending on your age) with this ridiculous send-up of 1980s era commercials. Make it past the poor VHS tracking and the “laser panther” and learn about Red Bull Straight Rhythm, a head-to-head race that will feature dirt bikes from the past (two-stroke) the present (four-stroke) and the future (electric). It all goes down on October 21, so hop in your DeLorean, fire up the Flux Capacitor to 1.21 gigawatts and we’ll see you there.


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